Friday, September 19, 2008

Our American Heritage

Today I learned that although we covered some of the basic American history and the flag over the 4th of July I obviously need to brush up on it again for the kids, I don't think they caught it all or remember much.

We were driving home from swimming and as we passed a car deal J noticed that they had a row of flags hanging across the edge of the lot. She immediate got excited and said "Mom! Look! they have the American Idol flag hanging there!" Um, what's wrong w/ this picture? We've obviously gone wrong somewhere when our 6yo associates the American flag w/ American Idol.

So, tomorrows lesson agenda now includes a refresher of the flag and what it stands for for our country. I think we will also be avoiding American Idol for a bit too.


BareFoot Finn said...

hehehe. Don't you love it when kids set us straight!?

Katie said...

Dude, I came to tag you and you NEED To update my dear ;)